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Veröffentlicht auf von Fabian Lipski

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Wegen dem Forwurf mein Englisch sei nicht genügend Gut. Die 2 Jährige ging in eine Kinderkrippe 3 Tage in der Woche die Leute dort Sprachen kein Englisch. Ich musste immer nach Jemanden Fragen der Englisch sprechen Konte und immer wenn ich sie von der Krippe abholte hatte sie Windelausschlag.

Penn Valley’s Johns family spent a few weeks indoctrinating Fabian Lipski, a 25-year-old second-year Swedish au pair. He’d already proven his worth, caring for premature triplets in Indiana.

His placement with Colleen, Mike, 2-year-old Stephanie and 3-month-old Harrison was off to a seemingly great start. In the first week alone, Lipski had fixed the family computer, clipped coupons for diapers, and rearranged Stephanie’s clothes. “He folded them so neatly it looked like a Gap store,” Colleen says.

He’d also potty-trained Stephanie, who even took naps for him, a rarity until his arrival. “He was a better parent than we are,” Mike jests. “There are some people who are going to think that’s weird—but those same people already think we’re weird.”

But then the Johns grew concerned about Lipski’s English proficiency. Their daughter has a speech delay deficiency, and she was struggling to understand him. Lipski was transferred to a family in Queens, N.Y., and 21-year-old Colombian Ana Maria Llano Olano became the Johns’ third au pair in nearly as many months.

“It’s not typical that a family would have three au pairs,” Cultural Care’s Cronin says. “They were happy with his care. They just couldn’t risk having their daughter regress since they’ve been working so hard with the speech therapist.

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